Wellness Programs

Find the program that helps you achieve your health goals and feel amazing

 Are you interested in certain diets but aren’t sure how to do them properly or safely?

Are you already “healthy” but want to maximize your wellness?

If you had a play by play laying out what to do, how to do it, and why you should do it, do you believe you could actually improve your health?

Do you want to improve your health but feel you need to take it slowly?

Do you need a program that works but you don't want to spend an arm and a leg?


If you are finding yourself saying yes to these questions, then I know what you need...

Choose. Progress. Learn. Practice. Implement. Achieve. Live.


It takes DEDICATION to choose. It takes EFFORT to progress. It takes TIME to change. It takes SUPPORT to implement. It takes IT ALL to achieve.


The Wellness Programs are designed to provide it all. I want you to achieve your goals. I want to support you to make these practices second nature. I want you to take what you learn in your wellness program into your life to make a permanent difference. 

Choose Your Program 

Your health goals may not be the same as someone else's. This is why Meg has made a variety of Wellness Programs so that you can find the program that is perfect for you.

Start Your Program

You will be supported every step of the way. Get your content delivered to you weekly to move at a sustainable pace. Use our app to receive your wellness content and easily track your progress. 

Complete Your Program

You have learned, practiced, implemented and achieved. You can now enjoy your accomplishment and move forward with these skills and wellness practices to live a healthier life.

Choose Your Wellness Program

Healthy Habits Challenges

Take your first step towards wellness.
Habits are hard to break. This is why we are dedicating one FULL week to each of these six essential healthy habits. They will become your norm, instead of a chore.

Is beginner for you?

  • I don't drink much water
  • I eat out, get take out or eat premade meals several times a week
  • I don't eat vegetables regularly
  • I often eat pasta, bread, cereal
  • I drink a pop and/or an alcoholic beverage 6+ times a week
  • Exercising is not a weekly occurrence for me
Four or more of these apply to me

Is intermediate for you?

  • I drink water regularly throughout the day
  • I eat out, get take out or eat pre-made meals weekly
  • I work vegetables into my diet regularly
  • I eat pasta, bread, cereal regularly 
  • I drink a pop and/or an alcoholic beverage 4+ times a week
  • I exercise several times a week
Four or more of these apply to me

Healthy Habits Challenge: Beginner

Over the course of 6 weeks, you will take your first step towards wellness.

As a beginner, you will not be asked to eliminate anything from your diet. Change is hard, and the best way to make it last, is by making it a habit. Habits take time to develop.

This challenge is beginner for a reason. It is developed to be attainable for everyone, no matter what your circumstances.

Each week you will not only receive the challenge, but you will also receive:

  • Educational material that we have developed for you, that is relevant to each week's challenge
  • Resources for each week's challenge to make them a bit easier for you

6 week program for only $35

Sign up for Healthy Habits: Beginner

Healthy Habits Challenge: Intermediate

Over the course of 6 weeks, you will advance to a higher level of wellness.

As an intermediate you will not be asked to eliminate anything from your diet. Change is hard, and the best way to make it last, is by making it a habit. Habits take time to develop.

The intermediate level is an attainable goal for all intermediate participants, and does not require a great deal of time to achieve. You will come out with healthy habits that will help to shape your health and future.

Each week you will not only receive the challenge, but you will also receive:

  • Educational material that we have developed for you, that is relevant to each week's challenge
  • Resources for each week's challenge to make them a bit easier for you

6 week program for only $35

Sign up for the Healthy Habits: Intermediate