Now remember from August:
We will review how each products negatively impacts your health, and what you can have instead.
Avoiding 8 of your commonly used food products is a lot, and it can overwhelming, That is why we have split them in half. You have worked through your first four food products, and now you are ready to tackle the remaining four.
Remember...habits take time to break, so ensure you are dedicating enough time to eliminate the unhealthy products and finding an alternative that you enjoy.
Food Products #5

Pasta is one of the most comforting foods out there. I have not yet met anyone who does not like pasta. Unfortunately, white pasta falls under the refined carbohydrates category. This means that the nutrients have been stripped and the remaining simple sugars cause major spikes in our blood sugar levels (as discussed in food product #1 of August's article). Some pastas are made with enriched flour, and can cause nutrient depletion (as discussed in food product #2 of August's article).
But don't worry, because pasta is so loved, companies have come up with many different types of pasta that will support your health, instead of impair it.
Instead of white pasta, try out a few of these pastas to find your favourite.
Chickpea pasta
- Brown rice pasta
- Cauliflower pasta
- Edamame pasta
- Quinoa pasta
- Whole wheat pasta -> (it is less refined which is good, but it does contain wheat and gluten which is okay. However, many people find that eating a gluten free pasta makes them less bloated. I recommend trying one of the other pastas listed above and see how you feel).

Even better substitutes would be a whole grain such as:
- Quinoa
- Brown rice
- Buckwheat
- Millet
- Wild rice
Whole grains that have been through minimal processing are always the gold standard. If pasta is a big part of your diet, try switching out pasta completely a couple nights a week for a whole grain.
Food products #6

There are a lot of different types of crackers. They nearly take up half an aisle in some stores. Crackers are definitely a "go to" snack for many people. They are convenient, pair well with so many things, and taste really good.
However, most of them are NOT healthy for us.
Unfortunately, nearly 90% of the crackers on the shelves do more harm than good. Don’t worry, I will point you towards the 10% that will support your health.
But first, why did crackers make their way onto this list?
1. The first ingredient is most often “enriched flour” (discussed in product #2). Enriched flour falls under the “refined carbohydrate” category. Therefore, all of the negative effects that cereal cause, crackers also cause. This includes the blood sugar spikes.
2. Crackers also often contain added sugar, additives and preservatives, as well as hydrogenated oils. These are all destructive to our health, as they increase toxicity and free radicle levels in our body, disrupt proper cell replication, increase inflammation, and so much more.
Take a little extra time in the cracker aisle next time you are there. I will give you a couple crackers that will support your health, however, you will find different crackers in different stores.

Therefore, I want to give you the basics of what you watch for:
- Avoid crackers that have enriched flour in the ingredients list
- Avoid crackers that have sulphites in the ingredients list
- Avoid crackers that have the word hydrogenated
- Avoid cracker that have sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup or other type of sugar in the ingredients list
- Avoid crackers that have an oil that is “modified” in the ingredients list, such as “modified palm oil”
- Look for whole grains/whole rye/whole wheat to be the first ingredient
Crackers that I recommend:
- Mary’s crackers
- Ryvita crackers
- Wasa crackers
- Finn Crisps
- Triscuit crackers -> (original is best) - (their ingredients list is clean of red flags, however, their sodium content is quite high. I don’t recommend making these a staple in your diet)

If you aren’t sure if your crackers are a good choice or not, send Meg a picture of the front of the box, as well as the nutrition facts including the ingredients list and she will either approve it, or tell you to switch it out.
Food Product #7

We are talking about all of the meats that you find at the deli counter, the meat on Tim Horton sandwiches, the prepackaged sliced meats, as well as cured meats such as:
Pastrami - Pancetta - Bacon - Pepperoni - Salami - Prosciutto
I know, this is a long list. But let me explain why these items should be avoided..
- These meats are very high in sodium. In order to cure them and preserve them, they have been heavily salted. High sodium intake contributes to increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and kidney disease to name a few.
- They have preservatives added to them which are toxic to our bodies. Nitrites are one of the most commonly used preservatives with these types of meats. Nitrites have been found to be carcinogenic, that means that they negatively impact our cells so much so, that they have the ability to cause cancer.
If you find that you rely on these meats, then it is time to make a change. Here are some of my recommendations to help you eliminate this unhealthy food:
- It takes less than 5 minutes to prepare a chicken breast and put it in the oven. Cook one or two and use these for your sandwiches.
- You could cook a whole chicken and get lunch and dinners for several days. It only takes me about 5 minutes to prepare my chicken for the oven, it doesn’t have to be complicated.
- Try cooking large dinners so you can eat more leftovers instead of sandwiches.
- If your spouse of kids are hesitant to make this change, make sure you stand strong. You love them and that is why you are advocating for their health. Especially with kids. It is important to get them on the right track at a young age.
- Try making a plant based sandwich spread instead. Recipes for these will be coming to the membership shortly.
- Find a café that uses freshly cooked meat. I bet you will enjoy it way more, your body will too.
Food Product #8

Throughout the last 7 food products, we have talked a lot about sugar. So by now, you should be well aware of its negative effects on your body, your mind, your energy, etc. It should not be a surprise to you that sweet treats have made it onto this list.
Let’s talk briefly about why they are on the list:
- Very high in sugar. Contributes to obesity, risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, poor sleep, moodiness, sleep issues, energy levels and cravings to name a few.
- Contains additives and preservatives that are toxic to our bodies, impairing its function and contributing to inflammation which is linked to heart disease, arthritis, cognitive impairment, autoimmune disorders, cancer, the list goes on.
- Contains shortening, and/or hydrogenated oils which contain free radicals which contribute to inflammation, as well as cell damage linked to cancer.
Don’t worry, we aren’t eliminating sweets completely. I have alternative sweet treats for you to switch them out for. Let’s try switching out our chocolate, candies and cookies for:
- Dark chocolate minimum of 70% cocoa.
- It tastes bitter at first, but you will soon grow to love it and find that other chocolate is too sweet. Try taking small bites and sucking on it.
- Fruit. Fruit is high in sugar, so try having a bowl of berries or a piece of fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- If you are craving sugar, distract yourself for 20 minutes. That is how long cravings last
- Medjool Dates. Alone or maybe try dipping it in peanut butter.
- Power Squares. You can find the recipe on my website. They are a household must.
- Plain yogurt with a little taste of maple syrup, or a couple dark chocolate chips.
- Healthy Berry Crumble. The recipe will be coming to your members portal soon!

Eliminating these unhealthy food products and replacing them with alternatives that will support your health is HUGE!
Great job making these changes. I encourage you to put a reminder in your phone to come back to this article in 3-4 months. It is always important to go back and review why you have made certain changes to your diet, help to reinforce the good habit, and check-in to see if you are still on the wagon.
If you have any questions or concerns about the content, you will have an opportunity to ask questions this month during one of the two video chats. Otherwise, please feel free to comment on the chat board, the coinciding Instagram post or contact me directly via email or Instagram.